Local animation, Show, Commercial event, Comedy
in Palavas-les-Flots
Paul de Saint Sernin's comedy show
Salle Bleue
Prices :
Free seating 35?
CE : 32?
Information : vincentribera.com@gmail.com or 04 67 50 39 56
? When I first got into stand-up, a guy said to me: "If you're going to get up on stage, it's because you've got a void to fill, something to prove to yourself."
Nothing to see ahah! I just want to make people laugh, that's all.
Then I started writing jokes about the time I got humiliated by a chick in front of the whole school, the time I...17h
Paul de Saint Sernin's comedy show
Salle Bleue
Prices :
Free seating 35?
CE : 32?
Information : vincentribera.com@gmail.com or 04 67 50 39 56
? When I first got into stand-up, a guy said to me: "If you're going to get up on stage, it's because you've got a void to fill, something to prove to yourself."
Nothing to see ahah! I just want to make people laugh, that's all.
Then I started writing jokes about the time I got humiliated by a chick in front of the whole school, the time I hid in a bush for 8 hours to avoid getting beaten up, but also that revelation in April 2023 and that time a shrink said I was incapable of love.
In short, I have nothing to fill, nothing to prove to myself. I just want to make people laugh, that's all?
Did you know?
Paul de Saint Sernin is the sniper on the show? Quelle époque! "by Léa Salamé on France 2.
- On March 9, 2025 at 5:00 PM