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The Mediterranean Lighthouse


The panoramic site

It’s 20-years old already!

This former water tower, rehabilitated and restructured into a multi-purpose complex, opened its doors to the public in 2000.

Today’s observer will see in its reconversion the will of local officials to preserve this building reaching to the sky, synonymous with the degree of attachment of the Palavasians who grew up at the foot of it.

Two years were enough to transform a heavy concrete construction into this elegant building with a “futuristic” look, nowadays visible from afar.

Vertiginous show

Take a trip up to the top, open your eyes wide and get ready to experience a spectacular panorama. Fly 34 metres up to the panoramic crown.

Here you will enjoy a delightful view: at your feet the mosaic of tile roofs of the town centre, then the immensity of the sea, the sandy coast to Sète and Port Camargue, the hinterland of scrubland and, finally, the Cevennes as a backdrop in the background.

At sunset, the spectacle of the blazing sky is breathtaking and some evenings, your eyes could lead you as far as the Pyrenees. Then, at nightfall, each little light magically lights up one after the other.


Informations & Tarifs

Paid parking

From April 1 to October 31, every day including Sunday and holidays (9 am-12pm and 2 pm-9pm), parking is payable at Palavas-Les-Flots.

Free parking

Free places

1,000 free spaces including 700 spaces located in the multi-storey car park (near the Blue Room)

150 disabled places

100 places in the blue zone (free but limited to ½ hour or 1 hour maximum)

3 € / adult

1 € / children from 3 to 12 years old


The Lighthouse of the Mediterranean

Place de la Méditerranée BP 106 34250 Palavas-les-Flots

Telephone: +33 (0) 4 67 07 73 34

Mail: tourisme@ot-palavaslesflots.com