©Elodie MAlepeyre
In the heart of the village

St-Pierre Church

Under the sign of the spiritual

The heritage

of our city

In the heart of the village

Consecrated in 1896 by the bishop of Montpellier, it is, after the Redoute, the second oldest building of the commune.

Very representative of the “architectural pastiche” spirit in vogue in the 19th century, it combines a Romanesque-Byzantine façade and a neo-Gothic nave.

Constantly embellished over the decades, until very recently with the installation of stained glass, shelters the relics of St. Florence sculptured in wax and the statue of St. Peter.

St-Pierre (St. Peter), the patron Saint of fishermen

It is particularly celebrated during the Sea Festival in July, a tradition between meditation and festivities dear to the hearts of Palavasians. In the morning, the High Mass is followed by a procession and a ceremony at sea in memory of missing sailors. The evening is dedicated to  partying with tournaments of jousters, fireworks and ball.

On the left of the choir, the statue of St. Peter represented in his fishing boat watches over the world of “sea workers”.

Informations & Tarifs

Paid parking 

From April 1 to October 31, every day including Sunday and holidays (9am-12pm and 2 pm-9pm), parking is payable at Palavas-Les-Flots. 

Free parking

Free car parking spaces

1,000 free spaces, including 700 spaces located in the multi-storey car park (near the Sale bleue)

150 spaces reserved for persons with disabilities

100 places in the blue zone (free but limited to ½ hour or 1 hour maximum)


Tourist Office and Conference Center 

Place de la Méditerranée, Phare de la Méditerranée

34250 Palavas-Les-Flots – France

Telephone : +33(0)4 67 07 73 34 / +33(0)4 67 07 73 32

e-mail :

