A VILLAGE OF traditions

In search of authenticity

So Palavas

The way we do it

A scent of the “real thing”

Because Palavas is both a fishing village and a seaside resort, here I take advantage of the two facets of these two universes which go hand in hand. At my disposal therefore, the beach, the sun and all the equipment necessary for the smooth running of my stay.

… And in addition a perfume of “truth”, of authenticity.

It is by strolling along the canal that I fully perceive this duality. On one side, the fishing boats and the southern accent that echoes from one quay to the other; on the other side, the tempting restaurants and ice-cream parlours…

In search of shops, I stroll in the shade of the narrow streets in the heart of the town; and on market days, I stroll along the waterfront, enjoying a little sea breeze.


A rich living heritage

Palavas has drawn a multitude of traditions from water generating a beautiful palette of colourful entertainment. On the water, in the water and on my plate!!

For nothing in the world, wpuldl I miss the big jousting tournament on the canal in early September when my darling prefers to go out to sea and take the wind aboard a boat called the”Catalan”.

This evening, we will meet up and share a fabulous cuttlefish local dish.